Sidetracked Home Executives
Update: SIDETRACKED! That pretty much sums it up. It was funnny. I finished reading this book while we were at a campground. I wrote out ALL the cards. I tried to think of every house cleaning task. I also made the dividers and filed the cards as suggested in the book. As soon as I was done... I started reading the second book, Get Your Act Together, A 7-day get-organized program for the overworked, overbooked, and overwhelmed. When I read that they had changed their program, I just about cried. I had just finished making a bazzion chore cards. I put down the second book and I thought I would stick with the first book. When we got home we did chore cards for about 3 days. Haley liked the cards. I liked being able to hand a card to a kid, but refiling those cards was overwhelming. I put them aside... and went back to yelling... I may revisit the cards (the yelling is not effective). I think I would rather just have the chore cards in a stack and go through them all then start over at the beginning again. In the mean time, my house is semi-clean.