Just the other day, someone in the laundry room of the campground asked me what curriculum I used. Perhaps they think there is a short answer to this question. I tried to be short and vague... but we use a wide variety of curriculum so it's not easy to give a short answer. I thought I would tell all here. I'm definitely an eclectic homeschooler.
Haley (7th grade)
History and Reading: Sonlight's World History Part 1 Level G. We love Sonlight! It is a curriculum that uses tons of books. I first came across Sonlight when Haley was a book devouring 4 year old. I ordered the pre-school program just so I could have great books to read to her. She went on to regular school for K but when we started thinking about homeschooling a few years ago I immediately ran back to Sonlight. I've looked at some other curriculums but nothing has tempted me away. I love the many cultures we are exposed to and I love all the missionary books. I love that the kids learn World History at a young age. History was never my thing in school but I enjoy reading Sonlight's books (a big perk to homeschooling). The resale value is excellent but we all can't bear the thought of parting with the books. (Haley has done levels D-F, but she has read many of her sisters books in levels A-C)
English Language: Sonlight's Language Arts G. This was included with our History package so we thought we would try it again (we didn't care for it in 5th grade). It's gone fine but Haley and I prefer a logical, linear, step by step program. Sonlight's LA is a "natural" approach which is like learning as you struggle to do.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing's Student Writing Intensive Level B. Haley did level A in 5th grade and it was wonderful. This program teaches writing in a step by step manner. This is an engaging dvd program. She started level B with some friends and we will finish it up this year.
The Institute for Excellence in Writing's Fix-it for grammar practice. Grammar is my least favorite subject. Haley and I struggled through several grammar programs (Winston Basic was our favorite). This program lets the student practice grammar through editing. It does not take much time and seems to teach a very practical skill. There is 5 years worth in one inexpensive book.
Vocabulary Vine teaches Greek and Latin roots and thus helping to decipher thousands of words.
Science: Apologia General Science. Haley is enjoying this book. It is written to the student. She started the year doing all the experiments with 2 friends of hers. That has really helped because she tells me she doesn't like science experiments (GASP). We are on our own in FL but she looks forward to returning to NY and finishing the year doing experiments with her friends. I am a "collector" of science books and I personally prefer to read BJU Press science books but Apologia is very solid science and more homeschool friendly (and Haley friendly).
Arithmetic: VideoText Algebra Module A (so far). Haley started the year with a the Keys to Percents, Fractions, and Decimals series. I wanted to make sure her understanding of the basics was very solid before proceeding into Algebra. I really liked how VideoText emphasizes learning the why and not just the how. Haley likes is so far so we will see how it goes.
Haley uses
Rosetta Stone French. We also supplement with lots of extras: HLACNY classes (like digital photography, claymation, french, and art), library art classes, card making classes, instrument lessons, gymnastics, karate, horses, etc
Macy (3rd grade)
History and Reading:
Sonlight's Into to World History part 2 Level C. We just can't get enough of these Sonlight books! (Macy has done levels A & B). We also read other
US History books.
Language Arts:
Shurley English Level 3 This is a great program but I find it to be advanced. We have done level 1 & 2 but I've slowed down with this level. I think even a 5th grader would benefit from level 3. I hate grammar but I'm so glad Macy knows so much grammar that she won't have to struggle learning it when she is older. It teaches parts of speech using silly jingles. It includes vocabulary and writing. We pick and choose on the writing assignments because I plan to start Macy on IEW's SWI level A next year (see above).
All About Spelling Level 4. Wow! Love this spelling. Both of my girls seem to be naturally good spellers but I am not. I'm a horrible speller. This program is the best I've ever seen in teaching spelling. It is multi-sensory and logical. I have learned so much and Macy is wonderful at it.
Apologia Zoology 3. Macy and I have tried a few science programs (Sonlight & BJU). This year we have been working through this Apologia mammal book. Macy is enjoying it. It is well written and has good activities that are integrated throughout the text. I am struggling with it. I find myself not enjoying studying mammals ALL year. I prefer touching on a wider variety of topics. Because Macy is enjoying it I am staying the course this year... We also supplement with selected Sonlight science books (no schedule).
Arithmetic: We started the year with
Horizons 3. I love Horizons (through 6th grade). I love the brightly colored workbooks. I love the spiral approach. I find it presents difficult concepts early in easy bite sized steps. Love it. Macy HATES Horizons. HATES it. After much weeping & gnashing of teeth... I caved and got Teaching Textbooks level 4. Macy LOVES Teaching Textbooks. She likes the audio-visual computer graphics and fun little characters. She seems to be doing well. I think it appears too easy... but I hope that staying one grade ahead will compensate for that.
Macy does Rosetta Stone (but at a slower pace than Haley) and she has all the same activities...
I think that is all the curriculum we use... of course we dabble with other fun educational stuff...