Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Loving My Bubble

     So, do you know those high drama reality shows? They drive me CRAZY. I can't even watch the commercials. I literally hold my hands in front of my eyes when a commercial for that kind of stuff comes on. (Jeff says "Things that make your head explode for 1000, Alex"). My family and I enjoy watching TV but we never watch live TV anymore. We DVR the things we are interested in and watch everything pre-recorded. This has been a huge blessing for us. Not only can we pause to take care of the unexpected but we can fast forward through those crazy commercials. It makes me sad to imagine that people really think that high drama stuff is entertaining or normal...
     I go to a bible study on Mondays with 17 other ladies. These ladies vary in age, church denomination, and talents but they all love God. When we pray... we are all focused on the same thing at the same time. We encourage each other, laugh together, cry together, and sharpen each other (Prov 27:17). None of them are plastic. None of them are perfect. We all have our problems. They are the polar opposites of those high drama shows. There is no vying for social dominance. I love these ladies. I was thinking that the people on the TV shows were not normal. Crazy... until...
     A friend of mine was relating her problems within a certain organization. She has been having problems for some time but remained in the organization because she wanted to be a good influence on the kids that come. She wanted to show the love of Jesus to the other leaders. She relates how the problems are growing and different leaders are trying to push their own agendas. She says there are different cliques and arguing (it's getting ugly). She is praying about whether she should stay within this organization or step out.
     Then it hit me. I live in a bubble. I have a strong Christian network around me that loves and supports me. I felt guilty for a minute. I felt like maybe I'm too comfortable and I should be reaching out of my bubble more often... but perhaps this is my bubble season. Perhaps God has placed me in the bubble for this season of my life to strengthen me for the next season. Or perhaps the bubble season is because being a mom is hard and I need all the support I can get. I'll ponder all that some more... But it makes me all the more THANKFUL for the rare group of godly women which God has placed around me. Loving the bubble


  1. I love being in the bubble with you too! It really is wonderful having such Godly supportive women in our lives. We are extremely blessed :)

  2. I need a bubble, ugh the real world can be a drag sometimes, can I get visitation rights to your bubble?

  3. Come on in the bubble! It's nice in here. Really, I know several people who need the detox bubble treatment. Hey, maybe I'll start a bubble retreat center.

  4. Lovin the bubble....
